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Gravitational Performance

School of Sports Science

You must become a student member to access classes when they open up. Please visit the student member sign up page here. Also, please keep in mind that once enrolled in a class, all prospective students will have a start date for the courses enrolled in and will not have immediate access to the class dashboard until provided a confirmation email with a start date.

Image by David Pennington

Mini Class

Mini Class HS-100

Image by David Pennington

Mini Class

Mini Class HS-100

Preparation for High School Students going to College/Sports 100

Reasons why you should take this mini-course:

  • To navigate you through your senior year and prepare you to move onto college

  • To prepare your mental wellbeing and witness when mental distractions surface

  • Learn what is important as a student athlete

  • How to cope with leaving your alma mater, high school coaches, friends, and family

  • To learn how to prepare yourself for the biggest change of your life, thus far- Leaving home to a far-away land that is known to be considered fun (freedom), yet very demanding!

These classes are currently not open for online registration.

Image by Jessica Ruscello Sports Science

Intro. SS-101

Image by Jessica Ruscello

SS 101 is an introduction that identifies a few major topics of sports science and sports studies for professionals, athletes, coaches, and more- who are leading team athletes in sports and those who are looking to go into sports science education. Sports Science

Intro. SS-101

Image by Joshua Ness

Coaching Presence & Communication

CPC- 102

Image by Hello I'm Nik 🎞

This class will provide a great amount of information for coaches that are new or have been in sports for some time. This class is designed for coaches and trainers, to enhance one's ability to be the best coach while communicating new season strategies, developing team cohesion among assistant coaches, athletes, and all other trainers, and to understand the coaches job and priorities as a team leader!

Coaching Presence & Communication

CPC- 102

Image by Austin Distel

Personal Coaching Vision

PCV- 103

Image by Austin Distel

PCV 103 is designed to assist coaches with team building, development, and education that will help better a team of professionals guiding sports and fitness goers. This class will provide ways to strategize and develop effective communication among each other, including how often a team huddle should occur!

Personal Coaching Vision

PCV- 103

Image by Vaishnav Chogale

Off Season Planning for Coaches

SPC- 104


Image by Tim Gouw

SPC 104 works on goal setting and strategizing new concepts, skills, and training programs to incorporate among athletic training during off season. This class also works on developing and reviewing new schedules, training, and more- to incorporate among coaches for in-season sports training. 

Off Season Planning for Coaches

SPC- 104

Image by Isaac Smith Goal Setting

GS- 105

Image by Kaleidico

GS 105 will introduce goal setting by providing education, descriptions, and downloadable PDF documents to use for goals among coaches and athletes. Goal Setting

GS- 105

Image by Kelli McClintock

Intro. to Parents Supporting their Athlete

PSA- 106

Image by Markus Spiske

PSA 106 will provide an introduction to parents of athletes at all ages and level in sports, with the education and knowledge they should obtain to be the best they can in supporting their athletes mental wellness, physical rest and recovery, nutritional lifestyle, and educational goals. 

Intro. to Parents Supporting Their Athlete

PSA- 106

Image by Natasha Connell

Mental Mindset for Athletes


Image by Morgan Housel

MMA 107 is a preparatory class that provides athletes at various levels of sports with educational consulting techniques that can be implemented in sport training and competition. Because sports psychologist can be costly and not many team sports can afford these services, we offer mental mindset techniques, breathing techniques, goal setting, and much more for our athletes to implement from content that was developed by highly educated and qualified professionals. 

Mental Mindset for Athletes


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